
This is an example of weathering. That is when water runs over rock for thousands of years. There was a big pipe squirting out water that caused weathering.It was at the creek behind the school in the nature center.The rock turns into tiny little bits after a while.

George The Kangaroo

Once there was a kagaroo. His name was George he liked to drink coffe lots

of coffe. One day he got bored of coffe. So he went to the store and found free

free apple juice then he lived happily ever after.


The Adventures Of Fof And Fred By Ben and Caleb

Once upon a time there were two friends named Fof And Fred. They both had jobs at Chickfila.One day they had a lunch break together. They both had a chicken sandwich.But they didn’t know that there were super powers in the sandwiches.So they got two super powers.they were super strong, and super fast.One day a robber stole a car from a car dealership.So they used their super speed to catch the robber.Then they called the police.The police took him to jail.Then the robber broke out of jail with a plastic spoon.But they didn’t know that it was their evil brother Zok.He tried to blow up the moon with a lazer machine.But Fof and Fred caught the bullet and trough it back and blew up the machine and arrested Zok.